Soaking Serenity

Baths and Teas for Stress Relief


Whether you have stress-driven soreness or you spent too many hours at the gym yesterday, this muscle soothing bath recipe can help. I blend calming, anti-inflammatory essential oils with those amazing magnesium sulfate crystals that are a dream for relieving muscle soreness, a stiff neck, and minor back pain; epsom salts! Yes I advocate them all the time, but they are inexpensive and amazing.

Eucalyptus has a warming effect when it comes to bathing for muscle soreness. It stimulates blood flow and quickly eases aches and pains. I also love the aroma of eucalyptus. I actually use it to make a homemade after-cooking-dinner room freshener. Eucalyptus combined with peppermint, you get the perfect combination of warming and cooling. Mint cools, refreshes, and revitalizes. Adding it to your bath is a great way to relieve soreness while also helping your mind focus; perfect for reading after your bath. I keep the peppermint dose low, while non-irritating, I find menthol to be a little too much. I also add chamomile essential oil to this mix. The scent is really overpowered by the eucalyptus and mint, but you still get the anti-inflammatory benefits of this essential oil.

To make this muscle soothing bath, you will need:

  • 8 drops chamomile essential oil 
  • 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 3 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon carrier oil, such as sweet almond, sesame, or avocado
  • 2 cups epsom salts

Run very hot bath water. While it is filling, stretch your muscles, hydrate with a cup of juice or water. Swirl in the epsom salts. Two cups seems like a lot, but with muscle soreness, you want a lot. Add the essential oils to the teaspoon of oil and then add this to your bath water right before getting in (wait until the water cools to a tolerable temperature for you). Try to stay in the water for at least 20 minutes to really get the benefits. Relax after your bath and sip some herbal tea, juice, or water. You will sweat with two cups of epsom salts, so rehydrate! 


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I am not a health professional, but a tea drinker! My goal is to share my experiences with teas and soothing baths. This website does not intend to diagnose or treat any disease. If you need medical advice, consult with the professionals!!!