Soaking Serenity

Baths and Teas for Stress Relief


Making homemade aromatherapy bath salts is remarkably easy. Make them for yourself, we all deserve a little luxury. They also make excellent gifts, especially if you use pretty pink Himalayan sea salt or vibrant Hawaiian salts and cool glass jars. You can re-purpose jelly jars to make your bath salt mixes a little more eco-friendly.

What are the benefits? Well, aside from the instant stress and tension melting from soaking in an aromatherapy bath, you get a dose of minerals from the salts. This is why you do want to use high quality sea salts and epsom salts, nothing processed! This is one of the big reasons that I am such a big fan of epsom salt baths, the magnesium and sulfates, which are both important anti-aging minerals. Magnesium helps to prevent calcification and sulfur (found in onions, garlic, and eggs), helps to 'protect against the harmful effects of radiation and pollution,' thus slowing the aging process (Balch's Prescription for Nutritional Healing). I don't know how effective my idea is, but I figure epsom salt baths are a win-win. They are relaxing, I sweat out a few toxins, and they do really help with sore, stiff muscles.

Here is the basic recipe for aromatherapy bath salts and a few suggestions for different essential oil combinations. You will love having plenty of ready-to-use salts for luxurious baths on hand; so much better than paying $15 or $25 dollars for a small container of aromatherapy salts. Plus, you get to have fun with the ingredients.

To make natural bath salts, you will need:

  • 2 cups epsom salts
  • 2 cups coarse sea salts
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba, sweet almond, apricot kernel, or any other carrier oil that you have around
  • 20-25 drops essential oil
  • 1 cup milk powder (optional)

First combine the epsom salts and sea salts. Add your blend of essential oils to the tablespoon of oil. Then, stir this super fragrant oil into your salts until well-mixed. If using the milk powder (try goat's milk or coconut milk powder), add to the initial salt mixture. Fill your jars. Seal tightly. Label. Essential oils do degrade over time when exposed to light, heat, etc, so don't be afraid to use your salts quickly.

Essential oil blends for aromatherapy baths:


  • 10 drops lavender
  • 8 drops chamomile
  • 7 drops neroli


  • 10 drops sandalwood
  • 10 drops frankincense
  • 5 drops carrot seed

To clear the mind:

  • 5 drops geranium
  • 5 drops peppermint
  • 5 drops clary sage
  • 5 drops rosemary

  • 10 drops bergamot
  • 10 drops rose
  • 5 drops jasmine

Swirl a full cup of your blended salts and essential oils into running bath water.


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I am not a health professional, but a tea drinker! My goal is to share my experiences with teas and soothing baths. This website does not intend to diagnose or treat any disease. If you need medical advice, consult with the professionals!!!