Soaking Serenity

Baths and Teas for Stress Relief


Refresh and unwind with a thirst quenching iced herbal tea. Chamomile and hibiscus tea blend amazingly well together for a calming warm weather drink. Throw in some fresh fruit and a few ice cubes and blend and whisk yourself away to a tropical haven with every sip.

What are the benefits of chamomile tea?

Chamomile is an herbal any day favorite for good reason. These fragrant yellow and white blossoms calm anxiety and ease digestion. According to Science Daily, researchers have found that sipping on chamomile (5 cups a day for 2 weeks) is associated with improved immune health and relaxed nerves.

What are the benefits of hibiscus tea?

This tropical flower has a tangy flavor, making it great in ice tea recipes. It is not necessarily a calming herb, but it blends well with chamomile and it is an always good for you high-antioxidant tea. According to a 2010 issue of the Journal of Nutrition, drinking 3 cups a day can significantly lower high blood pressure. Hibiscus is packed with antioxidants, making it useful for protecting your cells from damage (aka anti-aging!).

To make this soothing, antioxidant-rich blend, you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile blossoms
  • 1 tablespoon dried hibiscus flowers
  • 2 quarts freshly boiled water
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 strawberries
  • 1/2 cup sliced mango or papaya

Brew the chamomile and hibiscus in the water for ten minutes, covered. Let cool to room temperature. Blend all ingredients in the blender. Pour into a huge cup, grab a book or magazine, and go out and enjoy the weather while sipping your soothing, fruity iced infusion.


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I am not a health professional, but a tea drinker! My goal is to share my experiences with teas and soothing baths. This website does not intend to diagnose or treat any disease. If you need medical advice, consult with the professionals!!!