Making your own lavender and milk bath is easy. I like to use both lavender powder and milk powder, but you can also use essential oils, creamy milk, milk substitutes, and dried lavender. Swirl your ingredients into warm or hot waters (add essential oils right before getting in your bath) and enjoy.
To make a milk and lavender powder bath, you will need:
- 1 cup milk powder
- 2 tablespoons lavender flower powder
For best results, swirl the powders into the water while your bath is filling. This is a great recipe to mix and put into glass jars as homemade gifts.
To make a cream and lavender oil bath, you will need:
- 1 to 2 cups whole milk
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
Add the essential oil to the milk before pouring into your water.
To make a coconut milk powder and lavender bath, you will need:
- 1 tea satchet
- 2 tablespoons dried lavender
- 1 cup coconut milk powder
Follow your skin soothing, calming treatment with a cup of lavender tea and honey!
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